Tuesday, December 29, 2009

que es eso? or...what is this?

so, any ideas on what this might be? Crazy mac n cheese? I dunno...something yellow?  Well, I had myself a little visit to the East Bay Depot and stumbled across this...do you remember those bracelets that were popular about 15-20 years (WOW I AM OLD!) ago? they are pens you can attach to your wrist? like a bracelet? anyhow, it brought back this tactile memory and now my daughter is the owner of one of these. I actually can see the beauty/functionality of this...i love tricky things that have dual purposes!


  1. i saw these things and actually succeeded in RESISTING THE URGE to take them home! it took all the willpower in the world. weren't they 25 cents?

  2. yes, but when I got to the register I think the holiday spirit took over the lady (!!!) that works there and I got a whole basket of stuff...lots and lots...for $9....so I think I got a deal.
